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Centres d'examens - Permis théorique et pratique - Wallonie. Pour passer ton permis théorique ou pratique en Wallonie et à Bruxelles, contacte directement les centres d'examens ci-dessous. Ils te donneront l'heure exacte à laquelle te présenter.
3 bonnes raisons de passer le permis de conduire le plus tôt possible Compare les autoécoles et passe ton permis -
Les meilleures auto-écoles de Bruxelles - Compare les auto-écoles et passe ton permis -
We have made it our business to help students find the right driving school in their area. With you have the search engine at your side, with which you can easily find your driving school. Do you need a driving school that teaches English, Turkish, Russian or French? Or has particularly long office hours? No matter which requirements you have, with our search engine you can find exactly yours from the multitude of driving schools. The following search filters will help you with your search:
No matter in which city or state you are looking for a driving school, with you will find the best driving school for you.
In addition to the information provided by driving schools on, you will also find evaluations/recommendations published by driving students. Here you will find a lot of helpful information on how a driving school teaches the theoretical material and how driving is taught in practice. Every student learns in his or her own way. Driving instructors who can adapt to the needs of each individual student are particularly popular. This is also reflected in the evaluations, when it says driving instructor Peter or driving instructor Jutta have supported the student driver with advice and action. In addition, students also report on their impressions of the condition of the vehicles and motorcycles. This includes, for example, the condition of the vehicles and how up-to-date the offered vehicles are. Your opinion is also important. During or after your driving license training, you can also recommend your driving school. Your opinion will also be useful to subsequent students in the decision making process and will help the driving school to become even better.
As a rule, a learner driver has to take his eye test with an ophthalmologist or optician. The first aid course often has to be taken by a service provider outside the driving school. However, there are also driving schools that offer these services directly on the spot. Your application to the Bürgeramt can also submit a driving school for you if the driving school also offers this service. In short, there are driving schools - perhaps also in your city or region - that offer everything from a single source. Some of our partners are driving schools in Germany. If you want to know which driving schools these are, you only have to set the search filter Services.
All the information in your pocket. Once you are registered at your ClickClickDrive partner driving school, use our ClickClickDrive app. When is the next driving lesson due? When do you have to do one of the special rides? With the ClickClickDrive App you have all your appointments at a glance. With a click you can adjust your appointments or contact your driving instructors directly using the chat function. Never miss a lesson again and always stay up to date with your learning success.
In our Wiki you will find a lot of interesting information about driving licence categories, probation period, MPU, accompanied driving with 17, regulations and much more. The latest legislative changes and technical innovations are regularly published in our Wiki.
Would you like direct personal advice or do you have any questions on specific topics? Then call us directly on PHONE. We look forward to hearing from you!